
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


South Florida is an exceptional region where on average, just over two-thirds of the year hosts days of sunshine. Our rainy season kicks in around June, not April, and can remain strong until the beginning of December. You know what that means? Yeup, a lot of lush, green grasses and shrubs. While the rest of the country is celebrating the first signs of spring at this time of year, Queen of PAWNS and most of South Florida is enjoying the last few days of moderate weather before a sweltering summer. May 1st is “May Day,” or the welcoming of spring, and celebrated many different ways for many different reasons throughout the centuries and around the world. Although the United States is one place where the date is not recognized as a national holiday, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the last of your garden’s flowers in a celebratory fashion. One custom not foreign to the U.S. is to hang flower filled baskets on a friend’s front door, ring their doorbell and then dash away before the door is opened. Up until the end of the 19th century in England, certain groups would decorate neighbors’ doors on May Day Eve with wreaths made of boughs from trees or flowers. Nowadays, it seems with our busy lives, the nicest thing we can do for our neighbor is keep our own yards looking tidy. What about that hedge you and the guy next door share right on the property line? Is it starting to look shaggy? Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel and be the one who trims the unsightly overgrowth. 

If it’s time to retire your rusted, old yard equipment, drop by Queen of PAWNS and find plenty of lawnmowers, hedgers, trimmers and chainsaws. We have a wide variety of gas power tools for the garden that will tame the most unruly growth without shredding your budget. Just be careful not to shred the neighbor’s flower bed with your new-to-you self propelled lawn mower either.

Queen of Pawns - South Florida

Queen of Pawns - Central Florida

All Our Stores are Open:
Monday - Saturday 9am - 7 pm
Sunday 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM

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